;GAMEREPORT WOMEN;Damen 1 verlieren ihr Auftaktspiel Am ersten Spieltag der 2. @toyota.dbbl.official mussten sich unsere Ladies in der heimischen Halle West dem @asc_theresianum_mainz mit 49:71 geschlagen geben.
Head-Coach @basketaventuresgermany hat folgende Worte zum Spiel: „Like we expected, we started the game
too nervous at the beginning. That led us to so many mistakes and Mainz took benefits from each one of them. Being down 15 points after 5 minutes is tough to handle and we paid the fact that we run after the score for the rest of the game. The girls have to learn how to be phisicly ready to have a chance in this league. We also missed 15 easy points and had bad free throw percentage. That’s why we had only 49 points in total. But we either won or learned so I hope we will learn fast this year.“
Wir gratulieren unseren Gegnerinnen zum ersten Saisonsieg und hoffen, dass unsere Ladies diesen in den nächsten Spielen erringen können MTV AAOUH!
#mtvaaouh #einmalmtvimmermtv #stuttgart #basketball #seasonopening #niederlage #welost #welearn #wewillcomebackstronger #letsgomtv